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Dusit Thani Wellness Resort Suzhou, a famous wellness-focused resort underthe management of Dusit International, one of Thailand’s leading hotel andproperty development companies, has announced the appointment of Mr Ted Shen asits General Manager.

Mr Shen, brings to his role more than 16 years of experience working insales and marketing, operations, and managerial positions for renownedinternational hotel companies such as the Shangri-La Group and IHG Hotels &Resorts. Prior to joining Dusit Thani Wellness Resort Suzhou, Mr Shen wasGeneral Manager of Dusit Thani Fudu Qingfeng Garden Changzhou and Dusit ThaniFudu Zhonghang Changzhou. He played a key role in strategic business planning,talent development, implementing new guest experiences, and establishing theproperty’s sustainability progra妹妹es.

Mr Shen graduated from YMCA College of Hotel Management, Tokyo. He isproficient in English and Japanese. He loves gourmet, reading and traveling, andhas a strong interest in the landscapes and cultures of Southeast Asiancountries.

“I am delighted to join Dusit Thani Wellness Resort Suzhou,” said Mr Shen.“This beautiful property redefines new lifestyle with a distinctive wellnessconcept that weaves well-being elements throughout the entire stay experience, Ilook forward to working with the talented team to deliver the graciousness,thoughtful and personalized service to our guests with our care, warmth andrespect.”

Located in Shushan Ecological Village, an area of natural beauty in Suzhoucity’s High-Tech district, only 30 minutes by car from Suzhou high-speed railwaystation, Dusit Thani Wellness Resort Suzhou comprises 175 exquisite rooms anddetached lake view villas.

The peaceful and impressive location serves as the ideal setting for theproperty’s distinctive focus on wellness for the mind, body and spirit. From theunique hot springs experience, to the traditional Thai-inspired Devarana Spa,and the SOI restaurant serving customised wellness cuisine, Huaiyang cuisine,popular Thai dishes and international A La Carte menus, every element of theresort has been carefully created a Thai style wellness experience to ourguests.



近日,杭州洲際旅店正式颁布發表录用周晟师长教师為旅店行政助理总司理,协助总司理Frankson Lee辦理旅店平常運营。



Richard Zhou, as recently been appointed Executive Assistant Manager ofInterContinental Hangzhou.

Richard possesses over 20 years of hospitality experience with strongF&B and Catering Sales background. Richard started his management role inSofitel Hangzhou Xanadu Resort in 2009 as Assistant Director of Food andBeverage, overall in charge of Food and Beverage operation. From 2010, he tookthe opportunity in Four Seasons Hangzhou West 治療病毒疣,Lake and was successfully promotedto Director of Food & Beverage in 2018.

During this tenure, Richard assisted the team to launch Jinsha ChineseRestaurant - the only Three diamond black pearl restaurant in Hangzhou market,and he was also the key contacts organized and handled the visit of 2016 G20su妹妹it delegation group. Before joining us, he was the Director of Food &Beverage in Conrad Hangzhou, contributed to LIAN Chinese restaurant won the Onediamond black pearl restaurant of year 2021.





Tonino Lamborghini Hotel Chengdu is pleased to announce the appointment ofJoyce Han as Director of Food and Beverage, with fully responsible for thehotels’ food & beverage service, production and operational servicemanagement.

Joyce Han has nearly 20 years of rich experience in F&B and startedfrom Shangri-La hotels group, then used to work in the IHG, Accor, Hilton Hotelgroups.

Excellent professional skills and operation management ability make her asuccessful performance in each group. At the same time, with practicalexperience, it has a unique insight into service. She is good at empathizingfrom the perspective of guests. As a senior hotel manager, she has a pioneeringthinking, takes an unusual path and extraordinary leadership, which bringsendless joy to her guests and colleagues.




周婕仪密斯来自中國台灣,结業于英國利兹都會大學旅店商務辦理專業。她以凯悦團体辦理培训生身份参加台北君悦旅店,并開启本身的旅店职業生活,后提升至贩賣副总监。2013年8月她参加W台北旅店后于2016年以贩賣总监一职参加上海外滩W旅店筹辦團队,并于2018年9月在璞丽旅店姐妹旅店——UrbanResort Concepts(URC)旅店升任市場贩賣总监。履新前,周婕仪密斯任职于重庆来福士洲際旅店担當市場贩賣总监一职。




Grand Hyatt 減肥方法,Shanghai, one of the iconic hotels located in the heart ofshanghai, is delighted to announce the appointment of Ms. Tiffany Chou asDirector of Sales & Marketing. Having accumulated with the rich experie兒童坐姿矯正帶,nceof luxury hospitality operation and management for over 15 years, Ms. Chou willbe fully responsible for hotel sales strategy, market development and marketingpromotion of the hotel, executing innovative sales and marketing strategies forthe legendary property.

Ms. Chou is originally from Taiwan China. After graduated from LeedsMetropolitan University, United Kingdom, she took the first step intohospitality industry at Grand Hyatt Taipei as Corporate Leadership Trainee andadvanced to Associate Director of Sales. In Aug 2013, she joined W Taipei asAccount Director, and moved to China on Sep 2016 as Director of Sales as thepreopening team for W Shanghai – The Bund. She was promoted to the position ofDirector of Sales & Marketing in Sep 2018 at Urban Resort Concept Hotel,sister property of Puli Hotel & Spa Shanghai. Ms. Chou was the Director ofSales &Marketing at InterContinental Chongqing Raffles City prior to joiningGrand Hyatt Shanghai.

“Reflecting all that is grand in locales around the globe, Grand Hyatthotels connect guests to the most iconic experiences, landmarks and culturaltouchstones of their destination. With their awe-inspiring architecture, smart,sophisticated design, and superior service and amenities to match, Grand Hyatthotels deliver a luxury travel experience beyond all expectation. I am veryhonored to come back to Hyatt family and joined Grand Hyatt Shanghai thissu妹妹er.” Said by Ms. Chou.

Ms. Chou brings with her over 15 years of professional experience in thetouris苗栗外送茶,m and hospitality industry and has gained much knowledge and expertiseduring her past leadership positions in several five star hotels. Joined GrandHyatt Shanghai, she will be fully responsible for the construction andmanagement of the sales and marketing team to achieve impressive salesperformance, created extraordinary market influence and made the brand deeplyrooted in the hearts of the customers.



近日,陈海元师长教师(Mr. Rock Chen)被录用為茶马道大理丽世旅店餐饮部总监,周全賣力旅店餐饮筹辦及開業后的運营辦理事情。



LUX* Group is delighted to announce the appointment of Mr. Rock Chen asDirector of Food & Beverage in Dali. He will responsible for the preparationof food and beverage department and the operation management after opening inLUX* Tea Horse Road Dali.

Mr. Rock Chen started his career in Starwood group in 2004. He has servedwith Accor, Wanda, Hilton, Banyan Tree and other international brand, and workedin hotels in Shenzhen, Suzhou, Lijiang and Wuhan. With more than 17 yearsworking in international brand opening and operation Hotels, Mr. Rock Chen has awealth of hotel Food and Beverage management experience. He will continue tolead the team to provide guests with True Hospitality and unforgettable diningexperiences, care about the detail and marketing to create a brand-new foodjourney for the Hotel.

We believe that Mr. Rock Chen can give full play to his personal charismaand Food and Beverage management ability with full enthusiasm and professionalspirit, and lead the Food and Beverage department of the hotel to achieve moreoutstanding results. He will lead his team 肩頸按摩器,to work on personalized service,tactics enhanced with local culture to further develop LUX* Tea Horse Road Dalias a Luxury hotel to be recognized by guests.



哈尔滨富力丽思卡尔顿旅店侥幸地颁布發表录用李保華师长教师(James Li)為旅店工程部总监。




The Ritz-Carlton, Harbin is pleased to announce the appointment of James Lias Director of Engineering.

With over 30 years’ experience in the Engineering World of 5 Star LuxuryHotels James joins The Ritz Carlton, Harbin. James started his career not in theHotel industry, he worked as electrical Engineer in a Power Station before herealized that this is not enough. He joined the Peninsular Beijing as dutyengineer where he worked his way up from the early 90th. Due to Jamesflexibility and his strong Personal bound with the team, he swiftly made it tobecome Director of Engineering which he held for several Years before he joinedThe Ritz-Carlton Beijing Financial Street as Director of Engineering.

James outperformed his duties and was swiftly recognized by the seniorManagement Team of the Hotel and his colleagues. He lead several Projects duringhis 3 Years in the Hotel with great success. After that James worked for the WXi‘an and the Crown Plaza Beijing before he now comes to join us.

With his confidence and passion, there is no doubt that he will lead afirst-class engineering team. James is looking forward to his new challenge atThe Ritz-Carlton, Harbin.



三亚嘉佩樂度假旅店最新录用邓云添师长教师Tang Wan Thim為厨藝总监。

来自于马来西亚的厨藝总监Tang WanThim在豪華旅店及知名餐厅具有逾20年的丰硕履历,曾在马来西亚、新加坡、沙特阿拉伯、阿联酋,另有上海、三亚、西安、成都等多個國度及地域事情,摸索世界各地烹调藝术的兴趣。Thim喜好寻觅本地的优良新颖食材,追原溯本并付與新意。他长于应用現代烹调技能,在尊敬傳统和工藝的根本上,匠心傳承美食精華。

Capella Sanya has announced the appointment of Mr. Tang Wan Thim asDirector of Culinary.

Hailing from Malaysia, Chef Tang Wan Thim has spent almost two decadesperfecting his craft by working in luxury hotels and renowned restaurants acrossMalaysia, Singapore, Saudi Arabia, United Arab Emirates, along with fourprevious appointments in China – Shanghai, Sanya, Xi’an and Chengdu. Embedded inhis cooking philosophy is a respect for traditions and craftsmanship. In his newrole as Director of Culinary at Capella Sanya, Chef Thim will showcase hisextensive knowledge of culinary techniques and international flavours to curatean unforgettable gastronomic journey.

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